Average temperature: -7°C (19.4°F)
Warmest months: June-August ( 8 to 17°C)
Coldest Months: December - February (-10 to 2°C)
Longest Days: June (Average daylight: 15h and 46min)
Shortest Days: December (Average daylight: 7h and 7 min)
Altitude: 3882 meters (12,740 feet) above sea level
Maximum wind speed: 9.2 mph (14.8 kph) in the month of January
A. The weather in Matterhorn Glacier is mostly dry and cold with the lowest temperature being -11°C and the highest temperature being 5°C
A. The weather in Matterhorn Glacier Palace is the warmest in the month of July, when the temperature ranges from 4°C to -2°C.
A. Summers have the longest days in Matterhorn Glacier Paradise. The day with the longest amount of daylight in Matterhorn Glacier Paradise is 15.8 hours
A. The best time to visit Zermatt is during the high summer and early fall seasons, when the weather is warm and pleasant and there are a variety of outdoor activities to enjoy.
A. Matterhorn Glacier Paradise sees the shortest days during winters. The day with the shortest duration of daylight is 8.6 hours.
A. January is the coldest month in Matterhorn Glacier Paradise.
A. The average weather in Matterhorn Glacier Paradise ranges from -5°C / -11°C
A. The coldest month is January when the temperature can drop to -13°C / -18°C
A. The warmest month is July when the temperature can rise up to 6°C
A. Yes, Matterhorn Glacier sees snow all year round, which makes it an ideal winter resort throughout the year